434 poze   58630 vizite

O_o Kamyzuro Uchiha o_O

Ea este idola mea in toate, nu numai in rpc.
Pur si simplu este superba in tot ceea ce face.
Nu vreau sa aud critici si injuraturi, da?
Mai intai sa ajungeti s-o cunoasteti, apoi sa comentati ^^.

Ea e magnifica ^__^.
Kam >:D<
Kam >:D<
This is the real Lady Uchiha, not another bitches >:p.
This is the real Lady Uchiha, not another bitches >:p.
She`s the best pervert girl of the site, no one can be like her XD.
She`s the best pervert girl of the site, no one can be like her XD.
She`s the most original and unique girl I`ve ever seen :].
She`s the most original and unique girl I`ve ever seen :].
She knows what is BLOOD and to be scary and bloody xD.
She knows what is BLOOD and to be scary and bloody xD.
She`s very strong, she plays with the fire without burning her hand ;).
She`s very strong, she plays with the fire without burning her hand ;).
She`s perfect, she must be Sasuke`s wife without another comments.
She`s perfect, she must be Sasuke`s wife without another comments.
She knows what is the word "team".
She knows what is the word "team".
She knows how to say what she feels, she suffers more than all of here !!
She knows how to say what she feels, she suffers more than all of here !!
She knows to make a great rpc, with her little mistakes that you can`t observe, she has got a lot of
She knows to make a great rpc, with her little mistakes that you can`t observe, she has got a lot of
She meets persons that are hard to meet XD and she is big friend with them ;].
She meets persons that are hard to meet XD and she is big friend with them ;].
She`s the most craziest person I`ve ever seen.
She`s the most craziest person I`ve ever seen.

Comentarii album • 2
cacareaza maria 5 iulie 2011  
hei yo ce faci mai? tu esti drake bell????

iti place painea cu gem??

vrei paine cu halealaaa
BlackKamyzuro 2 aprilie 2011  
Owww baby !! :X:X:X
Engleza ta ma omoara! =))
Multumesc mult <33333
Albumul asta m-a inveselit !! :X:X:X:X
Am atatea prob` cu Kiddu`.......:(( defapt nu e vina lui dar intelegi ..... ti`am sps aseara...am...am nevoie de tne!! :(((((((

Btw, iti pregatesc o surprizza :>:> pe sistem satanistic <3
Te iubesc mult <33333
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